'We feel the dismissed charges speak for themselves, the DUI charges have been dismissed,' Gordon's attorney Eric Nesbitt said, according to KUSA. Gordon was pulled over at the intersection of Fifth Ave and Speer Boulevard (pictured)
The NFL still has the right to suspend Gordon, but they will not be able to see the results of his blood-alcohol test, making it impossible to prove he was drunkīy Alex Raskin Sports News Editor For. Police say Gordon displayed several signs of intoxication, including slurred speech, watery eyes, the odor of alcohol, and he appeared to be swaying. On October 13, Gordon was cited for traveling 71 mph in a 35-mph zone when he was pulled over in downtown Denver, according to police records. According to District Attorney Mary Krefnzen, the blood-alcohol test administered to Gordon would have been inadmissible due to procedural issues. The judge announced the decision to drop the DUI charges 'due to evidentiary concerns' because of procedural issues with the October 13 traffic stop. Broncos big mac deal 2015 license#
He received eight points on his license and will pay $479 in fines and court fees.Denver Broncos running Melvin Gordon has beaten two drunk driving charges and a likely NFL suspension while pleading guilty to reckless driving.Broncos' Melvin Gordon has DUI charges against him dropped as he pleads guilty to reckless driving for speeding 71 mph in a 35-mph zone